Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Ellie's 2 month update and my 2 month postpartum update!

     So today was Ellie's 2 month Dr's appt which I have been dreading because that means 2 month shots. :( I wasn't there when Ellie got her first shots in the hospital but Jacob said she screamed pretty good. Well the appt went very smoothly! She was all happy an smiley the whole time up until they gave her the shots. She cried for about 30 seconds tops and then once I picked her up she calmed right down and even let me feed her! After that she went to sleep! I was so amazed I got off easy! (Little did I know what a couple hours later would hold) So here are her stats; she is 10 lbs and 7 oz which puts her in the 30th percentile for weight and Dr. Guthrie said that was in the average, and she is 23 inches long which puts her in the 80th percentile for height! Holy cow she's gonna be a tall girl! Dr. Guthrie checked everything else and declared her a perfectly healthy baby! I was a proud mommy! Later in the afternoon though after she woke up from her nap, the poor thing started to feel the effects of the shots. She had 3 pokes total (one of the vaccines had 4 vaccines combined, I can't remember all the names) I could tell she was in pain because her cry was not her normal cry and she wouldn't eat, take a pacifier or be soothed by rocking. I gave her some Tylenol and that seemed to take the edge off but she was pretty much crying from 4pm-6:30pm, which was when I gave her her evening bath. She LOVES the bath so I was hopeful that it would settle her down and it did! She was crying right up until I put her in the water and then she stopped! After I got her in her PJ's and she and I played for a bit on our bed. She seemed like her normal, happy self! Then I fed her a little bit and she went to sleep which is right now, it's only been about half an hour so we'll see if she stays asleep. 
     So a little bit more about what Ellie has been up to the past 2 months, She wasn't an easy baby at first, she was very fussy and demanding and would cry out of nowhere. It was frustrating but now we are starting to get into a schedule so she has been much happier. We call her our little Drama Queen :) The first few weeks of her life she wasn't gaining enough weight so we started supplementing with formula. That was really tough because I had wanted to exclusively breastfeed but I wasn't also getting her to latch on properly which led to me getting torn apart when I did feed her. I was disappointed that I hadn't gotten more help and I still am, but I guess I will try again next time around. Now we have gotten into a rhythm now where I pump in the morning and evening (so those feedings are when she gets formula) and then the rest of the day I breastfeed and give her the milk that I pumped. So I would say she gets 3/4 breast milk and 1/4 formula and she has been doing well on that! Which makes me feel better because at least she is getting the benefits from the breast milk. So some other things, she smiles now in reaction to our faces and she follows us with her eyes which is fun! She loves music and enjoys laying on the floor kicking her legs with the music. She started rolling over at 2 weeks old which was exciting to see her do that. She is a very particular baby and thrives on routine, so we have to be pretty strict with our nighttime routine to get her to bed, (feed, bath, PJs, play, feed a little more again, rock her and then she's out! She has been such a joy to our lives and even though she's not always an easy baby, we wouldn't have it any other way because we adore her.

1 hour old 

1 month old

2 months old

     So I am pretty much back to normal now, the recovery from the c-section has had it's ups and downs, in the hospital it was frustrating because it hurt to move so I couldn't even get up to get my baby from the bassinet when she was crying, lucky I had Jacob! The first few weeks were pretty good, I just had to move slowly. What really sucked was getting out of bed in the middle of the night so we invested in a "Rock and Play" which is a sort of bassinet but it's at bed level so I could just reach over and pick her up without having to get out of the bed. I highly recommend it! Now I am feeling like myself, I have about 5 more pounds until my pre-pregnancy weight (although I wasn't in the best shape before I got pregnant so I have lots of work to do!) I can fit into my regular jeans! I only gained 25 pounds my whole pregnancy and lost 20 of it within the first 2 weeks which was nice. I wasn't all that big while pregnant (well, that's what everyone was telling me, I felt like a whale) I still wore all my regular clothes besides jeans.One of the horrible things that are still lingering are my baby belly (it looks like it did when I was 5 months pregnant) and stretch marks! Ohhhh how I hate stretch marks! I didn't get them until my last month of pregnancy, I had thought I would be one of the lucky women who never got stretch marks but oh no! I look like a tiger it's so bad! And they are still hanging around so if you have tips for getting rid of stretch marks please let me know! I have my mobility back and I plan to start working out again. It's so great to be back to normal but I do miss being pregnant. I had a pretty easy pregnancy, I think the most annoying side effects I had was lower back pain and peeing every 10 minutes (sorry tmi) but for the most part, it was smooth sailing! I miss feeling her kick and move around inside me, but I'd much rather have her here! I love being a Mom and wouldn't trade it for anything! 

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